COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT: Shining a light on people at all levels of our community that are doing the work for the benefit of all.
Don’t Forget Your Culture: A show exploring issues of culture. and the reparative journey we are all on as members of the global African family.
A regular show exploring Professor Lez Henry’s experiences growing up in inner city London - documenting crucial parts of the so-called ‘Black-British’ experience in the process.
DUPPY CONQUERORS: Explore the history and legacy of the Jamaican Maroons and how they resisted oppression by English and Spanish colonisers, with world-renowned Maroon expert, Dr. Michael Siva.
HaitianProfessor Bayinnah Bello speaks on the Haitian Revolution of 1791, reframing the narrative surrounding the events that led to the first successful revolution of enslaved Africans in history.